
29 November 2010

My Story

I think this past year has been about learning what it means to tell a good story with my life. Over a year ago I started applying for jobs as I prepared to finish graduate school. And it's also been a crazy year for personal reasons.I've experienced a lot of loss and, it seems, so have many of my friends and family. And, let me tell you, trying to apply for jobs while you're grieving is hard. But somehow, I did it. I applied to jobs, I interviewed, I questioned, I wondered: what next?

This past year I've also been obsessed with Donald Miller's book, A Million Miles in a Thousand Years. The book is about how we are called to tell a good story with our lives and not simply live comfortably. A good story involves risk, doing beautiful things, helping others, loving others. And that is what I want my life to to look like.

And so, I find myself jumping into an awesome story. Because instead of getting a 'normal' job here in the United States, I will be leaving in January to spend a year in Africa. I can't wait! I will learn to live in a new culture, I will work in a library, I will meet new people, and most importantly, I will tell a good story. A story that is about something bigger than me.

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