
06 March 2012

Snapshot: Monday

Ok. One last detail about life here. At least for now.

For the first part of the semester at RTC, I've discovered, the Librarian's job includes handing out textbooks. It can get a bit crazy, to be honest, since the books are sent to the Administration and then brought up and handed out in the Library. But then sometimes new students are admitted after all the books have been handed out so it often involves a lot of trips back and forth between the Main Office and the Library to compare notes on numbers of books.

At any rate, it can get surprisingly hectic. This semester there were a number of workbooks that needed to be bound together. So, I spent a lot of time using this old machine. I had a few last workbooks to finish up yesterday, so I pulled the machine out again. Sometimes taking an hour to bind books feels like it's a waste of time...that it's taking away from my cataloging or other tasks. But then I remember: my goal is to help students learn and get information and this is one way to provide that information. And I also remember that I'm learning to be more humble by doing the tasks that need to be done, whatever they are. And, finally, like repairing books, sometimes the easy, non-thinking tasks are the best way to get me back on track and reduce feelings of being overwhelmed by helping me see an concrete accomplishment quickly.

Remember those old plastic spirals?

Also, these little guys came in to say hi. They stop by
everyday and ask to 'play typing'. I love their smiles! :)

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